The Age of Aquarius and the Aquarian New Moon ~ Supermoon

A supermoon describes the Moon in its so-called perigee, which means the Moon is at its closest to the Earth in its elliptical orbit, so it is larger from our point of view. The New Moon is less dramatic visually than a Full Moon Supermoon, but still has a powerful influence on all things Earth. We know the Moon affects the tides; the average amount of water making up our bodies is 60%. This is the one astrological influence that I would call ‘causal’.

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Supermoon Aquarian Full Moon

Aquarius Super Moon

12th August, 2022 ~ 11:36am AEST

We have all been feeling the powerful evolutionary forces at work for months (and for some, years) now, as well as the ongoing and manifest conflict between the old world we are leaving behind, and the new world we are arriving into.

The Saturn-Uranus square that we experienced all through 2021 and earlier this year is intensifying and will be exact by degree again during the first half of October, closest on the 1st October, at 18° Aquarius-Taurus. READ ON HERE

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Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio.

This Scorpio Full Moon is a total Lunar Eclipse, a blood Moon, and a Supermoon (means that on its elliptic pathway around the Earth, the Moon is at its closest) as well being a Scorpio moon lends it extra visceral drama.

When I first looked at this chart what struck me was that it is a so-called ‘bucket’ formation, which means that most of the planets and bodies are concentrated on one side of the sphere, while the Moon and South Node opposing that group, like the ‘handle’ of the Bucket.

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Candy Van Rood
Partial Solar Eclipse ~ Taurus

The beginning of the Eclipse season opens with a cracker of a partial Solar Eclipse conjunct Uranus -which has been travelling through Taurus since March 2019-

Uranus will be activated by the Eclipse, a signature of which are sudden awakenings to shake-ups and disruptions to food chain supplies, and availability due to the shifts in seasons…

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Pisces New Moon

This New Moon is truly ‘geared’ for us to visualize the world we want to come towards us now.

We are already sensing into the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction (coming up on April 12th); this New Moon in Pisces is the forerunner for the magical, the vast open dreaming of Jupiter in its own sign, Pisces, (traditionally, until Neptune took over); this is because Jupiter is in a very close conjunction to the New Moon.

This conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune, will go on being a feature of 2022, and is a soothing and spiritual balm after the harsh and sometime abrasive square between Saturn and Uranus running through 2021. These planets open multi-dimensional consciousness, the gossamer veils between dimensions merge into boundlessness, as we all have the opportunity now to dream in the world of our ideals, expanding the vista of what is possible, or even what has seemed ‘beyond our wildest dreams’.

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Aquarian New Moon ~ AEDT 1st February, 2022

This New Moon is part of the last hit of the Saturn/Uranus square, we’ve been experiencing on and off for several years. We are being given the facility to start looking inside ourselves to feel into this important square, which has been showing us a tear in the scenery of our lives: the conflicts which arise between the future trajectory with all its innovative New World trajectories (Uranus) and the infrastructures and institutions which hold up the world as we’ve known it for generations. (Saturn)..

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Gemini Full Moon ~ 2021

Gemini Full Moon ~ AEDT December 19th, 3:40pm

This Gemini Full Moon continues to emphasize the theme we have been in all year around the conflict of the New World and the dying domain being left behind, courtesy of the Saturn/Uranus square and now Venus in close conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn.

The infrastructures in our relationships are undergoing big transformations. Pluto is the deep dive into the ‘underworld’ in order to let go of what is not longer serving and allow new fresh growth to emerge into the space that leaves. Venus in the play brings this process into all our relationships, whether it is the folk down at the local milkbar, or your nearests and dearests..everything is under the scalpel of a Pluto hawk-eye review.

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The Total Solar Eclipse Sagittarian New Moon 2021

Sagittarian New Moon - AEDT-December 4, 2021 – 6:42pm

The completion of our current eclipse cycle is marked by a momentous Sagittarian New Moon configuration. This Eclipse cycle started in May 2020, when a very extensive amount of the human population world-wide were in lock-down due to the ongoing pandemic we are all enduring together.. read on

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Scorpio New Moon 

This Scorpio New Moon continues to highlight the unravelling of the old world with its protocols and structures, as secrets (Scorpio) are being flushed to the surface by the ongoing square between Pluto in Capricorn to Eris in Aries, as well as the fact that we’re approaching the last of the series of three squares between Saturn and Uranus on 24thDecember… on

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Aries Full Moon 2021

To begin with the Full Moon (Sun opposite Moon) is part of a Cardinal T-square highlighting the concentrated essence of the ongoing Pluto/ Eris square, which has been around on-and-off for around two-and-a-half years. I say it intensifies this Pluto/Eris relationship because of the presence of Mars, which is amplified by its conjunction to the Libran Sun. Eris is the warrior energy of the petulant rebellious Feminine, and when Mars joins in to this disruptive pair, things heat on

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Virgo New Moon 2021

The first thing that stands out about this Virgo New Moon is that there are nine retrograde planets, asteroids, and points: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Pallas, Chiron, Eris, and the Moon’s Nodes. All the outer planets, are retrograde, highlighting that this is a massive collective experience being had…read on

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Second Aquarian Full Moon 2021

It is unusual to have two full moons in one sign in a year, and this is the second Aquarian Full Moon this year, the first one fell on July 24th not quite a month ago. This accentuates and amplifies the already strong Aquarian pull, ushering in the New Earth.

However, we are still so strongly being divided by the Saturn/Uranus square (Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius) which is pulling us in two directions; do we want to stay with what is known (Saturn), or do we move on into the new world, (Uranus) with all the uncertainties and yet boundless evolutionary possibilities? read on

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Sagittarian Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

The Total Lunar Eclipse is in Sagittarius, and is also a Super Moon which means the Moon is very close to the Earth in its orbit. Eclipses are always intense and disruptive in nature and therefore in our lives, but very often not necessarily on the day that they happen as we can notice the effects of them up to six months before and after the actual event. However, this one will be more powerful than usual, as it is total plus being a Super Moon. On top of this it is a so-called ‘blood’ Moon. read on

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