Second Aquarian Full Moon 2021

August 22, 2021 ~ 10:01pm (AEST)

It is unusual to have two full moons in one sign in a year, and this is the second Aquarian Full Moon this year, the first one fell on July 24th not quite a month ago. This accentuates and amplifies the already strong Aquarian pull, ushering in the New Earth.

However, we are still so strongly being divided by the Saturn/Uranus square (Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius) which is pulling us in two directions; do we want to stay with what is known (Saturn), or do we move on into the new world, (Uranus) with all the uncertainties and yet boundless evolutionary possibilities?

The uncertainty, omnipresent in collective awareness, is causing people to question what is true and what is fake. There is a sense that the authoritative voices we used to be able to turn to are being dimmed into a sort of twilight zone of confusion.


This is all part of the ongoing journey of Pluto in Capricorn, eroding established conventions and the breaking down of norms associated with the Uranus/Saturn Square. The square between Pluto and Eris has been going on for months and although we are still getting a feel for Eris, most astrologers seems to be in agreement, that it represents the fierce feminine, a feminine warrior energy doing everything to protect her children. The Earth and the pandemic – is this nature trying to find balance? (Eris is opposite the Path of Fortune for this Full Moon).

Jupiter is conjunct the Moon, it’s influence to amplify the ‘Aquarian-ness’ of the Full Moon: the urge for freedom; and the rebellion against the old norms with its old world authority figures; the revolution of consciousness; a massive growth in innovative technology which may even be able to help to mitigate some of the effects of climate change.

The fixed t-square of the Full Moon and Jupiter to Black Moon Lilith, the asteroid Pallas, and the North Node showing us that this whole unprecedented time we find ourselves in, is such an important milestone on our evolutionary path, which has us all in its sights whether we like it or not. Pallas brings in all the elements and facets for us to integrate into our DNA (the Moon’s nodes).

Mars now in Leo, and conjunct Mercury for this Full Moon helps us to focus and sharpen our minds with courage and determination.

One-day-at-a-time! Build a strong internal compass of discernment using as your reference point your knowing (Aquarius) rather than perhaps outworn belief systems and conditioned reflexes.