Scorpio Full Super Moon 2021

Scorpio Full Super Moon ~ AEDT April 27th, 1:31pm

This is our second Full Super Moon this year. A powerful Full Super Moon like this is very likely to be felt from for several weeks before and after the actual event; I have had many people asking me ‘what is going on?’ in the last few weeks.

Super Moons occur when the Moon is closer to the Earth in its orbit and has a stronger pull not only on our psyches but on the tectonic plates of the Earth. Scorpio is the most intense of the water signs, emotions are felt deeply and strongly and are often turbulent. To add to the mix, Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is currently stationary retrograde, before it moves forward again, which intensifies the influence.


At the time of the Full Moon, seven planets in fixed signs (eight, if we include Black Moon Lilith.) The Moon is in Scorpio; Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius; and the Sun, Uranus, Mercury, Venus and BML are in Taurus. Fixed signs notoriously do not go well with change, they dig their heals in and harden their will and because of this propensity and most of the planets being in Taurus, this can manifest in the body, physically, and for the planet, and her ‘body’. The intensity of the Super Moon and how it affects the physical world we live in cannot be underestimated, remember that our emotional body’s are tied up with our physical body. And Scorpio energy is about the deep diving. You may find old issues rising to the surface which need to be accepted and seen for what they are.

The stellium in Taurus is very strong: The Sun is at 7° Taurus conjunct Uranus at 10°, they are both conjunct Venus at 15° and Mercury at 16°. Venus and Mercury are conjunct Black Moon Lilith at 20° Taurus.

All of these planets in Taurus are squaring Saturn at 12° Aquarius, which highlights the Saturn-Uranus square: the conflict between the new and revolutionary; and the old, tried and true - also freedom versus control, etc.

The Mercury/Venus conjunction in Taurus and the Ceres/Eris conjunction in Aries, which squares the stationary Pluto in Capricorn, helps us to filter what is happening through creative thought, and then enables us to ground it into practical actions, which can be pleasurable and satisfying. There is a lot of integration which needs to happen between the troubled, conflict-ridden feminine with BML and Eris so closely tied up in the power centres of this chart, and the rising of the feminine.