The Libran Full Moon

The Libran Full moon this morning at 5:48 AM Australian Eastern Daylight Time is aligned to Peace and resolution within relationships and creative outcomes in our solution based activities.

The most striking thing about the chart for the Full Moon, is the Mercury/Neptune conjunction in Pisces and so very close to the Sun, Chiron, Venus and Ceres conjunction in Aries.

The Sun, Chiron and Venus are close to exactly conjunct which indicates that this is an excellent time for healing relationships by bringing to light old wounds from the past and being able to nourish that part of yourselves that may never have been revealed before, because Ceres is so close by…read on

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Pisces New Moon ~ A dreamy reverie

Pisces New Moon ~ 9:21pm AEDT, 13 March 2021

Last night’s New Moon time and the days before it were filled with the most dreamy and exquisitely beautiful frequencies, befitting for a New Moon conjunct Venus and Neptune in Pisces.

It was easy to lose oneself and the troubles of the world in the sweeping watery waves of spacious bliss and heart opening delight.

This really is the time to dream-in what you would love your life to look like in this massively changing world we are entering into. When you're in altered states and open to previously unimagined possibilities, you can create and manifest your dreams.

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Sagittarius New Moon ~ Total Solar Eclipse 2020

Eclipses are always disruptive and serve as much needed circuit breakers which deliver opportunities for evolution and growth universally.

This total Solar Eclipse (the only total one this year) is very powerful. It will last three-and-a-half-hours and principally fall across Chile, Argentina and in partial form across the lower part of South America, Antarctica and SW Africa, but also as it is only 4° away from the Galactic Centre at 27° Sagittarius. read on..

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Gemini Full Moon ~ A Penumbral partial Lunar eclipse ~

Gemini Full Moon ~ A Penumbral partial Lunar eclipse ~ 30th November 8:34pm AEDT

A penumbral lunar eclipse takes place when the Moon moves through the faint, outer part of Earth's shadow, the penumbra. This type of eclipse is not as dramatic as other types of lunar eclipses and is often mistaken for a regular Full Moon.

On November 30, the twice annual inertia-busting eclipse season commences with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse along the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of ideas and philosophy. Eclipses tend to shake up any states or feelings which haven’t been moving. And while we all may be hoping that means we may be close to resuming an active external life, the real movement necessary may be to adjust our own attitude about what is happening in the moment. The Sun and Moon in mutable signs represent an ability to be in a constant state of adjustment and mutation as we gather and make meaning out of the new information we receive constantly.

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Taurus Full Moon 2020 ~ Blue Moon

Technically this Full Moon is a so-called Blue Moon, because at GMT time it falls on the last day of October, making it the second Full Moon in October.

However, in Australia and New Zealand it just makes it into November, as our time zones are ahead of GMT.

The most striking thing about it is that it is exactly conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Full Moon’s as I’m sure you know amplify energy and currents, and so we’re in a heightened Uranus in Taurus window during this week.

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Libran New Super Moon 2020 ~ an astro-tarot reading

An astro-tarot reading of the Libran New Super Moon using the Tantric Dakini deck. The pressure of the ongoing Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction is cooking hard now as it is in a T-square; square to Mars (retrograde), Dark Moon Lilith, and Eris, and opposite the New Moon. A trine to Venus in Virgo acts as a cooling system to this powerful dynamic. This represents a way of letting the pressure out through Love and creativity. (flowers). The Dakini reading highlights the pressure that our current uncertainty brings in this time with everything, all those institutions and structures of the patriarchy unravelling around us, and in our own lives. (Eris and DML squaring the Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction.

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Aries Full Moon

The potent outer planetary configurations of the Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn continue to hold their power in this Aries Full Moon.

Full Moons bring emotion up to the surface, and since it is an Aries Full Moon, more-than likely there will be anger. The Mars/Saturn square on the 29th September, on the same day that Saturn went stationary direct, will intensify how our anger or frustration manifests or not. (Saturn).
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'When God was a Woman' by Merlin Stone, an excerpt read by Candy vR

'Though we live amid high-rise steel buildings, formica countertops and electronic television screens, there is something in all of us women and men alike, that makes us feel deeply connected with the past.

Perhaps the sudden dampness of a beach cave or the lines of sunlight piercing through the intricate lace patterns of the leaves in a darkened grove of tall trees will awaken from the hidden recesses of our minds the distant echoes of a remote and ancient time, taking us back to the early stirrings of human life on the planet…..

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