Leo New Moon & Lion's Gate 2021
The New Moon in Leo on August 8th coincides this year with the Lion’s Gate portal.
The Lions Gate is renowned to affect Ajna, the 6th Chakra or Third Eye. Your higher understanding; universal common sense; and the mystery of other realms.
The Sun in Leo aligns to the star Sirius (known as the ‘spiritual sun’) to generate high-frequency energy that activates the Lion's Gate portal. This portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12 but August 8 is considered official activation day, when the Sun and Sirius move closest to Earth and align with Orion's belt.
Its energy forces opportunities for dramatic new beginnings. This is a time when new levels of consciousness are infused into the planet’s energy field and into all its living beings, all life. So as this gate swings open, we are swept over the threshold. Some will be feeling this today, and some will not be available to it, perhaps because there are other priorities to do with survival or other challenges. But either way, all of life is affected by this. It is a massive creative surge and evolutionary push.
Because it coincides with the New Moon this year the energy of it can be harnessed to visualise or start the trajectory for a new way of being in the world, and because it is the Leo New Moon it can be about your heart’s story.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself which may help you focus on this:
• What are your beliefs around love?
• What is an experience of love which often comes to mind?
• What stops you from expressing or receiving the love you really want in your life?
Answer the questions using your left hand, (unless you’re already left-handed, in which case use your right hand). Doing this will bring up feelings and thoughts which come from your subconscious. Be kind to yourself. The most important goal now is to fall in love with yourSelf.
In our society it is so easy to dismiss this idea because self-love is associated with vanity, self-centeredness, and narcissism. But this is not what I’m referring to ofcourse. I am talking about looking at yourself through the eyes of Love or your pet, or your mother, or your darling.
Just for a moment.
And then practice this often.
This will totally transform your outlook and your ‘in-look’ as a matter of fact.
Leo New Moon 11:51pm (AEST) August 8th 2021
In the New Moon chart today there is a so-called Earth grand trine between Pluto in Capricorn, Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, which is about the transformation of how love is expressed on our planet. The revolutionary forces of Pluto and Uranus in soft aspect to Venus, is such a precise description of how the expression of love is being worked on by the planets in our Solar system, in line with the Aquarian age we’ve entered, with its universal love themes.
The chart also tells us that we are still under the influence of the powerful Uranus/Saturn square. This is more challenging on a 3D level. The Earth changes this brings and the conflict within each of us individually and collectively between what we know has worked in the past, and the trajectory to surrender to the evolutionary and awakening forces of Uranus, is taxing and pushing some of us to our limits. Uranus is a faster frequency than Saturn, and the push to revolutionise the way we live on this planet is in sharp focus.
The pandemic is certainly part of the mechanism I believe.
Recorded today totally spontaneously in my garden