The Virgo Full Moon
The Virgo Full Moon on Saturday night 7:18pm AEDT has an ethereal and glimmering high frequency radiance about it.
A mystical Full Moon blesses us with its Grace.
To begin with the planets and points are in what is known as a ‘bucket’ formation. So all bodies are gathered on the Descendant side of the chart, but the Moon and the asteroid Vesta form the ‘handle’ of the ‘bucket.
This means that all the energies are channeled via the Moon & Vesta.
The Piscean Sun conjunct the very beautiful Piscean Venus lends its soft feminine glow to the ‘handle’/outlet, funneling and augmenting an otherworldly sheen through the Moon & Vesta.
Vesta is already a refining element here which helps dissolve debris from this channeling process.
So it’s a great time to tune in to Universal rhythms, surrender yourself to the general updating and refining process that is going on at the moment.
Give in and release stubborn old identification programs.
Bliss out on beautiful music, meditative states, the ocean and Love.
Choose love as your response to the conflicts between the old ways and the emerging new world.