The Scorpio Super Moon

The effects of a Scorpio Super Moon are powerful.

A Full Moon in a water sign is felt on a more visceral level than with the other elements. The Super Moon effect, the Moon in perigee (closest to the Earth) amplifies the power of the Full Moon, it is also the third in a series, so the momentum has been building.

 As I sit here and write this on the day before the Full Moon, I can feel the intensity, the push towards inner consciousness, and inquiry. And I’ve been feeling this for a few days now. I’m sure that as we get deeper into lock-down due to COVID-19, we are being required to journey more into our inner spheres, as the outer world distractions are less available.

I have Pluto and the Moon rising and am at home with the power of this, in my element so-to-speak. I have been feeling surges of what feels like unstoppable power and strength one day, and then vulnerability and tiredness the next. How about you? Are you noticing strong shifts in your energy body? 

Answers in comments please :)

 We are still in the depths of experiencing rapid evolutionary forces and shifts in the very foundations of our bones and our societal structures and formations due to the ongoing force of Pluto in Capricorn. Right now it is conjunct Jupiter, which expands an already formidable shift. Normally Jupiter and Pluto in conjunction has to do with the massive the power of money or authority. You often see this aspect in the chart of politicians and CEO’s, people in power, or people fascinated with power.

Our whole monetary system is undergoing a big transfiguration as people are questioning how vulnerable we are to these big changes, like the current pandemic. The crisis is highlighting how our system is inequitable and unsustainable. Maybe works perfectly for 0.1% who own 20% of all the world’s resources in terms of money and material wealth. But enormous inequality is not sustainable.

Perhaps health and equality could be the new wealth. A whole value system is falling apart which has been with us since the Industrial Revolution (1760 – 1840) the last time Pluto was in Capricorn.

Capricorn the sign that represents traditional patriarchal values, institutions, power structures as well as their infrastructures. I’ve talked about this a lot in previous articles arond the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. (you can read articles from the past here

For this great big Super Moon in Scorpio, down here in SE Australia we have that Jupiter/Pluto conjunction rising on the ascendant, activating it for us to really sit up and take notice.

The Uranus/Sun/Mercury conjunction in Taurus tells us that big Earth changes are underway, and there is more and more acknowledgement of that in the media.

 Another few important things to mention about this Full Moon in May is that by mid-month there will be four retrograde planets: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. This will help us with this slow, internal time in which we are being given the opportunity to question and re-think our priorities, how we live with our Mother Earth, Love (Venus) and create sustainable growth. (Jupiter in Capricorn).

 In early June the Moon’s Nodal axis will move from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius, ending eighteen months of profound soul lessons about the family of humankind and its various structures in relation to Mother Earth, and now moving into the dissemination of information and idealism of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis.

Take good care!

Love Candy