Gemini New Moon 2020
With the New Moon coming up on 23rd May at 3:41 AEST, you may want to use this spread to help clarify your current circumstances, clear surplus baggage and create intentions.
The New Moon is about releasing so that creating and manifesting can be relatively unimpeded.
We have a Gemini New Moon with several aspects to assist in the gathering of resources, and indicating that it is a time to create, communicate and reach out. (Mercury and Venus exact conjunction in Gemini).
Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius and conjunct the asteroid Pallas: we can witness the gestalt of our internal stories and be shown where we need to grow, where we need to take responsibility.
In the SE Australia New Moon chart, the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction is culminating at the Mid Heaven, which brings it in to the outer realms, activating the power and transformational process going on in the world of careers, professions and goals.
The North and South Nodes are now right on 0º degrees of Cancer and Capricorn respectively, and are heading into the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity. This degree of the Cardinals potent, it is or relates to the entry point into the Zodiac wheel, of dynamic cosmic energy. The zodiac wheel can be likened to Samsara: our worldly existences.
The nodes are so much about collective soul work, and this important pause we are in at present brought to us by Covid, can in so many ways represent a massive shift of consciousness as we enter into another level of our earth walk: our long term survival.
Book yourself a reading with me to see how your chart is being affected by these powerful influences. The first quarter of the Moon is an excellent time to go deeply into your innermost longings and enquiries.
Try this New Moon Tarot Reading
A New Moon Spread
Clear, dream….manifest.
Clear, dream and manifest
1. What have I released?
2. Where am I now?
3. What is emerging within me?
4. What do I wish to grow?
5. How can I bring my goals and intentions to fruition?
6. What additional resources are available to me as I manifest my goals?