Virgo Full Moon ~ March 10th 4:46am AEDT
This is the first in three consecutive Super Moons, and indicating a very direct trajectory of shedding and refining, as we participate in the dissolution of an old paradigm.
What may feel chaotic and out-of-control is also a way for the huge transformational forces of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction to break down the old world, so that the new one can emerge.
The conjunction of Neptune to the Sun, is an integral part of a dissolving process which is well underway.
The dreamy, otherworldly qualities of Neptune can act in many ways. It can indicate the demise and dissolution at the core of our worldly systems with corruption, deceit, and flaky non-committal appropriations of power.
On another level, Neptune is able to refine and hone things down to their very essence, thus raising frequencies and restoring us to our connection to the Divine through art, music and mysticism.
We need to raise our faith into a more prominent position than media induced fear is currently occupying. It’s good to surrender to what is, and yet hold onto integrity and the firm values of a sustainable existence with Earth and all her creatures and life forms. (Venus conjunction Uranus in Taurus). .
The Chiron/Lilith conjunction squaring the Nodal axis, which was already around at the Pisces New Moon a few weeks ago, is also a semi-sextile away from the Venus/Uranus conjunction; giving a voice to the big disruptive healing process going on for the woman of the world. .
A revolution in Love and relationships is in the air as well.
Big questions about one’s personal values in relation to what love means to you and how you want to express and share it, will arise for your consideration.
Full Moon chart drawn up for Victoria, Australia
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